Saturday, June 14, 2008

Dorothy Wordsworth

"Dorothy Wordsworth would probably be surprised to see herself in our pages, for unlike just about everyone else here, she did not think of herself primarily as a writer" (pg. 290). That surprises me because she is a great writer. Her stuff is so simplistic and personal, it really helps you understand her as a person as well as her life.

"The Grasmere Journals" was an interesting collection to read I must say. I really love the fact that they are nothing more than just recollections of her day. The simplicity of her writing is by far the best thing she has going, in my opinion, because it's so real and that is really what people love to see and read about. ---I must say though that while reading I was kind of disturbed by just how CLOSE she and William really are "There was never any question about her remaining in the household: Mary married them" (pg. 291). Okay, I have siblings and I love the crap out of them but living with them until I'm old and gray would be a complete nightmare. I really don't know how families opperated during those times but I doubt it was like that. I'm surprised William's marriage lasted because that just seems like and unhealthy brother-sister relationship.--- I don't have to much else to say about that so here is where I leave you.


Jonathan.Glance said...


I enjoyed your appreciation of Dorothy Wordsworth's journals; I agree with you, and I think her journals are much better and more interesting than her poems. I do wish you had quoted some specific passages and analyzed them, though, rather than just generalizing about the journals. There are a lot of great passages to discuss.

While you do quote a passage about Dorothy's relationship with William, that seems more of a digression from your main focus here.

Thao said...

You get a better grasp and understanding of who dorothy was while reading her journals, they were much more interseting. it was kinda creepy about william and dorothy's relationship. i found that quite odd as well.