Monday, June 23, 2008

French Revolution

Helen Williams' writings on the French Revolution were really good. It is common knoledge that the French and the English don't get along (I personally don't think they ever di or ever will) so it was really cool to read about the French Revolution through the eyes of and Englishwoman and it wasn't rude or hateful in the least bit. They were just regular letters about her time in France and how much she enjoyed it there and I liked that the most about them. I don't know if it's right to assume that she was biased in her views of the French people or not because even though she was English she might as well of had been French solely based on the love and affection she had for them and the country.


Jonathan.Glance said...


Good generalizations about Williams, but you never go beyond that level of discussion. I would like to see you quote passages from her letter and analyze them in depth. Looks like you were running short on time, though, and couldn't do your best work.

Michelle said...

It is refreshing work for the period. I agree it seems she is basically french given her love for the people and ways expressed in her letters.